Email: | Phone: 0151 306 4840 | 07458 302051 | Address: 72-74 Market St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 5BT
Student Placements
Over the last 3 years we have been proud to offer impactful and educational Student Placements here at Make It Happen, both in our Community Shop and Community Hub, Place of Contribution. We might be the perfect fit for you!

In the past we have welcomed students from a variety of degree programmes, as well as 6th Form student on the Enrichment scheme. From Nursing to Social Care, there are a wide range of courses that require a placement, and we have a lot of experience helping you make sure you achieve your objectives while you're with us.
We love working with students, we offer a whole host of different experiences but also enjoy learning from your expertise too!
Want to hear more about placements with us? Have a look at one of our student testimonials from the amazing Rose who was with us this year!
Rose had a big impact for us and our community, it was a pleasure having her here with us and the community were all sorry to see her go!
Come and join our MIH family for a few weeks!