Email: | Phone: 0151 306 4840 | 07458 302051 | Address: 72-74 Market St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 5BT
Our name is the golden thread of the work that we do and the logo is the shape of a finger print, this shows that everyone has a stake in our community and can leave a fingerprint.
Our aim:
“A sustainable model for community regeneration built on Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) principles; building confidence, recognising, encouraging and mobilising community assets."
What We Do
Make It Happen was born from the aspirations of Chris Allen BEM and Amy Butterworth, along with many caring & supporting friends and colleagues who share a genuine passion for the community using a real Asset Based Community Development approach.
Our Objectives are:
Providing a retail experience which advances community well-being and social inclusion,
Using an asset-based community development approach helping to build community resilience, capacity, confidence, skills and entrepreneurship,
To provide space for a community hub to be developed and fully utilised,
Work with other like-minded organisations and agencies to develop networks and relationships,
To aim to reduce waste and duplication, raise awareness of local issues and to get things done.

What does
Make It Happen do?
We provide community venues that houses a number of offers that anyone can use, be involved in and benefit from, this includes;
A pay as you feel shop, pay as you feel for products such as clothing, CD's, DVD's, etc
A social supermarket where we sell intercepted food at heavily discounted prices.
Work placements for community members, university/college students and Princes Trust or Duke of Edinburgh volunteers.
A Place of Contribution for anyone who wishes to run community activities, workshops, meetings or pop up events, as well as any individuals and artisans who would just like to perform.
This space also facilitates programmes for the community and opportunities for personal development and growth.