Email: | Phone: 0151 306 4840 | 07458 302051 | Address: 72-74 Market St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 5BT

CARE Project

What it is:
Our CARE project follows on from the fantastically successful ESF programme we delivered up to the end of March 2022, and shares many of its goals around helping people back into society, work, education and volunteering, but with a more Make it Happen feel and a whole new, innovative approach.
CARE stands for....
Confidence, Assets, Resilience and Engagement
...and that is what the project is all about! We engage and empower people to use the assets they have to “make it happen” and become restorers of their own lives, their streets and the lives of others, using our own bespoke 6 stage programme that draws from the many years of experience we have in the voluntary sector.

How we're funded
We were delighted to be successful with our bid to Wirral Borough Council for the funding for this one year project. In the future the goal is to develop the CARE project into a self sustainable programme that we can continue to implement here at Make It Happen while also reaching out with a comprehensive, flexible toolkit for other organisations, but in the meantime we are fully focussed on showcasing its benefits to our local community and partners at other 3rd Sector organisations.
Desired impact
Whatever reason you might have for volunteering there is a place for you with the CARE Project to develop skills we all need for life, volunteering and working.
We work with people to achieve their own, self determined goals whilst always encouraging the development of their assets and passions.
We have helped many people in the past develop skills for their CVs, develop supportive social groups and improve self confidence and mental health.
We are strong advocates of the 5 Ways to Well Being and use this wonderful system to guide our volunteers through their personal development journeys along with our specially developed resource packs.
The 5 ways to Well Being:
Take Notice,
Be Active,
Keep Learning,
Take a closer look here

Get involved
Interested in joining our team at our busy social supermarket and our community hub?
Contact us via the info below or pop into our shop at 72 Market Street, Birkenhead, come join the family!
Contact us:
Claire, SEO: 07458 302051