Email: | Phone: 0151 306 4840 | 07458 302051 | Address: 72-74 Market St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 5BT

Nourish to Flourish
What it is:
Birkenhead was once a thriving commercial centre with Hamilton Square as an architectural feature. Now it is dilapidated and features in the highest deprived neighbourhoods in the UK.
There is no community capital. People feel socially isolated, lacking confidence, self-belief, skills and have poor health and low incomes but are resilient and hopeful.
As a well-positioned Community Anchor Organisation, we felt there was an opportunity to bridge a gap and apply an asset-based approach to assisting the people of Birkenhead to have a voice, meet up regularly and get involved in making the area look and feel better and have ownership in doing so.

How we're funded
Make It Happen was successful in a People's Health Trust Grant for two years, this has enabled us to employ a team to spearhead this piece of work, alongside funding to provide planters and have regular meetings as well as grow and build their own assets and skills.
Desired impact
We intend to have a cleaner and more attractive town, getting local businesses involved to introduce and embed more creative upcycling and recycling attitudes in the community
Develop the skills of volunteers to become positive citizens of Birkenhead
Be involved in the regeneration programme of Birkenhead

Thank You!
We are sad to say that this highly popular project is now finished, but delighted to say that it has had a wonderful impact here in Birkenhead. In particular the community is very happy with the 6 planters we now have, and are using their green fingered skills to maintain them, with a bit of support from local businesses too! A huge thanks to everyone who's been involved, and there are still plenty of green activities taking place here at Make It Happen and our Place of Contribution! Like to know more? Pop us an email or contact us through our facebook page where there's a calendar of activities too!