Email: | Phone: 0151 306 4840 | 07458 302051 | Address: 72-74 Market St, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 5BT

We are pleased to announce our Numeracy Counts Project has successfully finished!
Numeracy Counts was not your average maths course! No algebra or geometry, but fun activities, yummy food, informative trips and useful resources to promote understanding of relevant maths!
These were some of our most popular weekly sessions!
Sessions took place at Place of Contribution every Thursday from 11am, which is when we now do our Community Cooking Sessions (Please check our calendar on Facebook for up to date information!)
34 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, CH41 6AE
What is Numeracy Counts?
Numeracy Counts was our National Lottery Community Funded programme that aimed to improve essential numeracy skills for daily life - enabling you to understand day to day maths; endure the cost of living crisis and sustain this knowledge for the future - sounds like fun? It certainly was!

Who is it for?
This programme was for EVERYONE in our community - there was no eligibility criteria or extended commitment, people could just pop along to sessions and have fun!
Everyone uses maths on a daily basis, whether they realise it or not, and we will continue to support anyone who comes along to POC however we can.
What is involved?
This programme was all about having fun while improving numeracy skills. There was no formal algebra, no crazy geometry and no classroom! We had fun with practical uses of numbers; music, filming, trips out, hydration, hygiene and more!
Everything is always better with food too, so we will did plenty of shopping, cooking and eating together while we learn new skills and simple maths essential for daily life and budgeting!

Why numeracy?
We know that many members of our community are facing numeracy barriers in every day life and with the cost of living crisis - we want to help people overcome these barriers in a safe, fun and friendly environment - the aim is to learn without realising!
We wanted to put the fun back into fundamental maths and our community feedback told us we managed just that! Numeracy skills are essential in many areas - from shopping and budgeting to cooking and exercising - we are delighted that basing our activities and resources around the things we do in our daily lives worked so well for everyone who came along.